Sunday, March 29, 2009

Take "Ze Ski" Seriously!

JA Den, Klienes! Ich bin Guenter von Wiesswurst, und I am ze grrrreatest skiier in Baden Wissenschliffegekeit on the Austro-Hungarin border. Our zuper-fantastiche Mountain, the "Zugschwanzpimmel" is a vell kept secret zat is rarely discussed vis ze auslander. I have made ze ski on zis mountain fur my whole life. Vee here in Wissenschliffesgekeit take ze ski very seriously. Fur us, ze highest form of ze ski is ze perrrfectly forrrmed stem-christie turn. Vee make zees turns in ze frrresh und in ze packed snow conditions. Years are spent by each Mensch und Frau to perrfect ze stem-christie turn, in ze hope zat zey vill be zeen as being masters of ze ski.

In America, zer is no respect for ze ski. Here, zey make no regarrrrd for ze stem-christie turn. Zis fool, Hank, und ich skiied at ze resort called Purgatory. Zis fool Hank vas making his fast quick turns, with no regarrrds for ze proper stem-christie form. Zis fool kept saying he vas going to find, "Ze Big Air" on ze runs through ze trees. "Ze Big Air", GOT IN HIMMEL! Ze Ski is not about ze big air! Ze SKI is about ze corrrrect form, and ze punctual turn interrrrvals!! He mocks ze ski, und zerfore zis fool vill never be velcomen in Wissenschliffesgekeit. Tchuss!

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