Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Obama to invite Middle East Heads"

Yeah - that was the headline on BBC today. So I got to thinking, what would a middle-eastern "Head" look like. Since I couldn't find any good shots of authentic HashHashin's (and a goolge on "assassin" turns up an infinite amount of video game still shots), I'll settle on this guy as my image of a "Middle Eastern Head". Dude is huge into Mitayshu, Hashasish, Opium, Harems, Huka's, rugs, and has every Spice Girl Release on tape, including the casette singles. Pillows belong on the floor, and Babba ganoush is *THE BEST* for curing the munchies that come with the stone caused by super high-grade weed from the Hindu Kush. Seriously, homeboy sort of looks like an 80's Kenny Loggin's converted to Islam, right? Actually, this may have been from the Loggins&Messina Yacht Tour of Turkey back in '81. Dude had no idea he'd be goin to the danger zone by '86.

1 comment:

J said...

then he smells his fingers...